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Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source

Hi all,


Have never had such a stupid issue in my entire life.

Have copied the issue details below but pretty much i started getting this error which doesnt mean anything.


It happens when I attempt to open or save a report. It does successfully save/refresh etc but it wont publish.

I have updated to the latest version, uninstalled and reinstalled entirely and still getting the error.


It even happens when opening a blank report or opening the app for the first time.


Details below.


Feedback Type: Frown (Error) Timestamp: 2019-02-15T00:11:27.8679887Z Local Time: 2019-02-15T13:11:27.8679887+13:00 Session ID: 2cb95127-23c6-453d-9fe0-cf96185974b1 Release: February 2019 Product Version: 2.66.5376.1681 (19.02) (x64) Stack Trace: at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate) at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.PowerBIService.CloudConfigurationManager.SetCloud(String emailAddress, Func`2 chooseCloud) at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.PowerBIService.AuthenticationManager.TryGetUserIdentityInfo(UserIdentityInfo& userIdentityInfo) at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.PowerBIService.AuthenticationManager.EnsureSignInStatusInitialized() at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.PowerBIService.AuthenticationManager.<get_IsSignedInTask>b__23_0() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.IExceptionHandlerExtensions.<HandleAwaitableAsyncExceptions>d__1.MoveNext() OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17134.0 (x64 en-US) CLR Version: 4.7 or later [Release Number = 461808] Peak Virtual Memory: 37.8 GB Private Memory: 263 MB Peak Working Set: 463 MB IE Version: 11.590.17134.0 User ID: 26db6cea-58e0-4d7c-8ec5-32b1aec1f5f6 Workbook Package Info: 1* - en-NZ, Query Groups: 0, fastCombine: Disabled, runBackgroundAnalysis: True. Telemetry Enabled: True Model Default Mode: Empty Snapshot Trace Logs: C:\Users\moses.hewetson\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Power BI Desktop\ Enabled Preview Features: PBI_shapeMapVisualEnabled PBI_variationUIChange PBI_showIncrementalRefreshPolicy Disabled Preview Features: MIntellisense PBI_SpanishLinguisticsEnabled PBI_PdfImport PBI_ColumnProfiling PBI_PythonSupportEnabled PBI_showManageAggregations PBI_FuzzyMatching PBI_EnableWebDiagramView PBI_improvedFilterExperience PBI_qnaLiveConnect PBI_keyDrivers Disabled DirectQuery Options: TreatHanaAsRelationalSource Cloud: GlobalCloud DPI Scale: 100% Supported Services: Power BI

Status: Needs Info

@moseshewetson ,

Do you also get this issue in old version of Power BI Desktop? What is your data source?

There is a similar thread discussing similar issue, which is solved by unchecking "Autodetect new relationships after data is loaded" in Power BI Desktop, please check if this workaround works for you.


Status changed to: Needs Info