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New modelling view diagrams corrupted in Feb 2019 PBID build

The latest Feb release of Power BI Desktop causes issues with existing diagrams in the new modelling view. 


1) Tables are auto-arranged where they were manually positioned before.

2) All relationship lines are missing but re-appear when you click anywhere on the diagram background.

3) When you move a table it does not always respond and you have to click on it again and move it, ususally the first table you trry to move on any diagram.

4) When you move a table the relationship lines do not move with the object and appear disconnected. You have to click on the background to get the lines to redraw to the new positions.


None of the above problems occured in the December build. 



Status: Needs Info
Not applicable

I CONSTANTLY have to rearrange (manually) my tables - the app always forces back to a *star* schema... It is a huge waste of time. I have gone to the other forums and followed instrucitons to turn off all the *autodetect* settings which supposedly cause this problem - but no luck! It is terrbile.

Community Support

Hi @nariusp @Anonymous , 


Would you please record a video to show the issue? Thanks. 


Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu 

Community Support
Status changed to: Needs Info
Not applicable

I may have figured this out. 


By adding a new view/tab in the relationship view canvass, and manually adding tables, this view seems like it does not scramlbe when i add new talbes or upload / DL from pbis.


But the main (generic/automatic) view/tab always does.


I would mark this "solved", except, it is NOT. The bug persists. A work around is NOT a solution.


A solution is a fix to the bug, which many people besides me have brought up.


Nobody seems to want the main model/relationship view canvas to reset itself to a Snow-flake schema every time they add a table or upload/dl from PBIS.


Please fix this.


Thank you

Not applicable

So a definite problem remians:


Every time I upload my file to PBIS, and another dev uses it, and then uploads it to share, when I download the file from PBIS to stay in fidelity..... the entire custom relationship tab i built DISAPPEARS completely.


So I will open the relationship view/panel, create a new tab, upload it, and when i download it again the entire custom (new) tab is just GONE.


PLEASE fix these bugs, it is very important to be able to use the modeling/relationship view.


I do not want to view it as a star/snow-flake schema, it is much more helpful to view it is a lookup/lookdown tree.


Please pass this on to the dev team, and fix ASAP. We work with a geographically dispersed team and we need to use PBIS for version control. We cannot have our work deleted every. single. time.



Community Support

Hi @Anonymous, 


Would you please record a video to clarify the issue? So I can follow your steps to test on my side and go further to look into the issue. Thanks. 


Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu 

Not applicable

This issue appears to have been resolved with the March 2019 release of PBI.


I have uploaded my PBIX data model (data import mode) to PBIS. This model/PBIX has a custom "relationship" view (tab). After I uploaded it, another peer downloaded it, did some work, and uploaded back to PBIS with his changes. I then downloaded the file, and checked on my "custom relationship view" and it was still there, and it was not corrupted.


This is the first time we went through this process and the "custom relationship view" was not corrupted (either deleted entirely, or scrambled).


This specific issue appears to be resolved.


Thank you!

Advocate I

We're experiencing exactly the same bug.


To recreate:

1. Open an existing .pbix file containing a model you have laid out nicely.

2. Go to modelling tab and observe correct layout.

3. Press Save.

4. Close Power BI Desktop.

5. Re-open same .pbix file

6. Go back to modelling tab, and the layout has been messed up completely!


I've found a work-around:

If you make sure you change the layout - even slightly - say, move a table a couple of pixels, and then save - your new layout persists.  It only happens if you don't change the model!


I think this why it seemed to go away for jpayne as they did some work before saving it again.


This occurs in the Feb release, as well as two different March releases:




This is a critical bug, as we need to distribute the models to our clients, and we don't want to have to tell them to wiggle a table in the model before saving the reports they've made!



Advocate II

All of the issues we have experienced in the new modelling view now appear to be fixed in the April edition of Power BI Desktop.

Advocate I


Still happening in 2.68.5432.761 64-bit, released on 16/04/19.