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Using delete key while renaming a page causes PBI to think you want to delete the page

as the title describes

Status: Accepted
Community Support

Hi @jonasarnout


Did the issue happen in Power BI desktop or service? 

Is the reproduce that: right click on the report page then choose rename Page, press Delete key directly? 


Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu

Advocate I

Pbi desktop, MS store version (didn't try installer verion)

I know from experience that there can be differences between the 2 versions.


1) rename the page (dubble click or RMB rename)

2) highlight the text you wish to delete (by mouse or shift + arrow keys)

3) press delete key on keyboard


as a side note that is quite anoying and could be related to this issue

if you move your mouse cursor to the the windows task bar, the focus in PBI gets lost and the page name is no longer in edit mode ...


Maybe this cause the page to be promted for deletion

good thing the confirmation is required 🙂


Kind Regard


Advocate III

I have the same issue. It is now far too easy to irretrievably delete pages / tabs when renaming them.

In the latest build, duplicate one of your tabs. Then start to rename it 'TEST tab 1', but before you press enter to commit the change, go back to change the name to 'tab 1', and press enter to commit the change.

You probably used the arrow keys to go back a few characters, then pressed the delete key and pressed enter. You were immediately prompted to delete the entire tab, with 'Delete' as the default option. This deletes the page irretrievably, with no 'undo'.

If you were trying to rename one of your key pages, you now have to reload an old version of your file, losing any work you've done.

It should not be so easy to make critical mistakes.

Community Support

Hi all, 


I can reproduce the same issue on my side. Will report it internally soon. 


Best Regards,

Qiuyun Yu

Community Support

Hi all, 


I already reported this issue internally: CRI 188627799. Will keep you update here once I get any information. 


Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu

Community Support
Status changed to: Accepted
Community Support

Hi all, 


I got information that "Fix in progress. Will be in PROD by mid of July. ". 


Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu

Advocate I

This is really annoying and fustrating.


A real time killer for those who have to change a lot of tabs.

Community Support

Hi @jonasarnout , @cygnex , @TM_Visual ,


I tested with Aug Desktop. The issue had been fixed. Please have a try. Hope it is working perfectly on your side.


Advocate III

@v-xuding-msft  , it now works perfectly. Thank you for your help on this, and checking.