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Custom Zendesk Connector Power Query Code

The Default Zendesk Connector is in beta and for those who have tried it, will know that due to a bug it can not pull more then 1,000 rows due to an API limit. This bug prevents data being pulled in. By adding a filter you pull in less then 1,000 rows locally, but not in the service as this bug will prevent scheduled refresh. (side note: this is my experience and assume many others are having it based on the number of posts on the topic). 


This is a popular issue and thus I thought sharing Power Query code to connect to zendesk would help many. In addition, there a number of ways the code can be improved or have different versions with different features. So a place to collectively work on the issue would hopefully be valuable.



    ttable = "tickets",
    Path = "/api/v2/" & ttable,
	AccessTokenHeader = "Basic " &Binary.ToText(Text.ToBinary(""), BinaryEncoding.Base64),
    EntitiesPerPage = 100,
    GetJson = (URLPath) =>
        let Options = [RelativePath = URLPath, Headers=[ #"Authorization" = AccessTokenHeader ]],
            RawData = Web.Contents("https://****", Options), 
            Json    = Json.Document(RawData)
        in  Json,
    GetEntityCount = () =>
        let URLPath   = Path,
            Json  = GetJson(URLPath),
            Count = Json[#"count"]
        in  Count,
    GetPage = ( =>
        let URLPath = Path & "?page=" & Text.From(,
            Json  = GetJson(URLPath),
            Value = Record.FieldValues(Record.SelectFields(Json, ttable)){0}
        in  Value,

    EntityCount = List.Max({ EntitiesPerPage, GetEntityCount() }),
    PageCount   = Number.RoundUp(EntityCount / EntitiesPerPage),
    Pages = List.Generate(() => [result = try GetPage(1) otherwise null, page=1],
        each [page] <> PageCount,
        each [result = try GetPage([page]+1) otherwise null, page=[page]+1], 
        each [result]
    #"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(Pages, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
    #"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandListColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1"),
    #"Expanded Column2" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Expanded Column1", "Column1", {"url", "id", "external_id", "via", "created_at", "updated_at", "type", "subject", "raw_subject", "description", "priority", "status", "recipient", "requester_id", "submitter_id", "assignee_id", "organization_id", "group_id", "collaborator_ids", "follower_ids", "email_cc_ids", "forum_topic_id", "problem_id", "has_incidents", "is_public", "due_at", "tags", "custom_fields", "satisfaction_rating", "sharing_agreement_ids", "fields", "followup_ids", "brand_id", "allow_channelback", "allow_attachments"}, {"Column1.url", "", "Column1.external_id", "Column1.via", "Column1.created_at", "Column1.updated_at", "Column1.type", "Column1.subject", "Column1.raw_subject", "Column1.description", "Column1.priority", "Column1.status", "Column1.recipient", "Column1.requester_id", "Column1.submitter_id", "Column1.assignee_id", "Column1.organization_id", "Column1.group_id", "Column1.collaborator_ids", "Column1.follower_ids", "Column1.email_cc_ids", "Column1.forum_topic_id", "Column1.problem_id", "Column1.has_incidents", "Column1.is_public", "Column1.due_at", "Column1.tags", "Column1.custom_fields", "Column1.satisfaction_rating", "Column1.sharing_agreement_ids", "Column1.fields", "Column1.followup_ids", "Column1.brand_id", "Column1.allow_channelback", "Column1.allow_attachments"})
    #"Expanded Column2"


Code Pros:

  • Suprizingly quick.

Code Limitations:

  • pulls only unarchived tickets. Limitation due to the API used. 
  • Unsure if the 1,000 rows limit applies (my zendesk does not have 1,000 unarchived tickets). If it does PageCount can be limited to a max of 10.
  • Does not appear to work in the PBI Service. I tried making the table a parameter and changing it in the service, but the data didn't update after a refresh like it does locally..

Wish List/to do:

  • get authentication to work with username & password. Not everyone has admin access. My attempts so far on this have not worked.
  • have more secure authentication, hard coding credentials is eeek.
  • Create version that works with incremental refresh (according to the documentation can go above 1k limit). Even better if this would work together with PBI servers' incremental refresh.

Majority of the code comes from this post:


Incremental Refresh from Zendesk:,

Not hard coding the Authentication:

The only way this seems to be possible is with a full custom connector. Custom connectors' big limitation is that you need a gateway to enable auto refresh.  So assuming you can get the above code to work with the Service & you don't want to deal with a Gateway (e.g. daily refreshing using a personal gateway won't work if laptop will be off or cost of a server for Standard). This leads to a choice between:

  1. Good security and no auto refresh (custom connector with no gateway or OATH with the default Zendesk connector).
  2. Good Security and semi auto refresh (custom connector with personal gateway).
  3. bad security with auto refresh (the top code).

I have created an idea that could fix this issue, by storing the .mez files in one drive here. 


Here is the custom connector using the visual studio SDK.  This returns a column of records for each table and not all the columns (will need to expand the data to get the ones you want).


// This file contains your Data Connector logic

// Implimentation
section Zendesk;

[DataSource.Kind="Zendesk", Publish="Zendesk.Publish"]
shared Zendesk.Contents =  Value.ReplaceType(ZenNavTable, type function (url as Uri.Type) as any);

ZenNavTable = (url as text) =>
        objects = #table(
            {"Name",            "Data",              "ItemKind", "ItemName", "IsLeaf"},{
            {"Articles",   GetHelpTableData(url, "articles"), "Table",    "Table",    true},
            {"Organizations",   GetMainTableData(url, "organizations"), "Table",    "Table",    true},
            {"Tickets",   GetMainTableData(url, "tickets"), "Table",    "Table",    true},
            {"Ticket Metrics",   GetMainTableData(url, "ticket_metrics"), "Table",    "Table",    true},
            {"Users",  GetMainTableData(url, "users"), "Table", "Table", true}
        NavTable = Table.ToNavigationTable(objects, {"Name"}, "Name", "Data", "ItemKind", "ItemName", "IsLeaf")

// API Table location      

GetHelpTableData = (zendeskUrl as text, tableName as text) as table =>
        BaseUrl = zendeskUrl&"/api/v2/help_center/"&tableName,
        TableData = GetTableData(BaseUrl, tableName)

GetMainTableData = (zendeskUrl as text, tableName as text) as table =>
        BaseUrl = zendeskUrl&"/api/v2/"&tableName,
        TableData = GetTableData(BaseUrl, tableName)

// Authentication

GetJson = (Url) =>
          UserName = Extension.CurrentCredential()[Username],
          APIToken = Extension.CurrentCredential()[Password],
          AccessTokenHeader = "Basic " &Binary.ToText(Text.ToBinary(UserName&"/token:"&APIToken), BinaryEncoding.Base64),
          Options = [Headers=[ #"Authorization" = AccessTokenHeader ]],
          RawData = Web.Contents(Url, Options),
          Json    = Json.Document(RawData)

GetTableData = (zendeskUrl as text, tableName as text) as table =>
        BaseUrl = zendeskUrl,
        EntitiesPerPage = 100,
        GetEntityCount = () =>
            let Url   = BaseUrl,
                Json  = GetJson(Url),
                Count = Json[#"count"]
            in  Count,
        GetPage = ( =>
            let Url = BaseUrl & "?page=" & Text.From(,
                Json  = GetJson(Url),
                Value = Record.FieldValues(Record.SelectFields(Json,tableName)){0}
            in  Value,

        EntityCount = List.Max({ EntitiesPerPage, GetEntityCount() }),
        PageCount   = Number.RoundUp(EntityCount / EntitiesPerPage),

        Pages = 
            if PageCount > 1 then
                List.Generate(() => [result = try GetPage(1) otherwise null, page=1],
                    each [page] <> PageCount,
                    each [result = try GetPage([page]+1) otherwise null, page=[page]+1], 
                    each [result]

        ConvertedtoTable = Table.FromList(Pages, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
        ExpandedColumn1 = 
            if PageCount > 1 then
                Table.ExpandListColumn(ConvertedtoTable, "Column1")

// Data Source Kind description
Zendesk = [
    Authentication = [
        // Key = [],
         UsernamePassword = [
            Label = "Admin Authentication",
		    PasswordLabel = "API Token"
        // Windows = [],
        //Implicit = []
    Label = Extension.LoadString("DataSourceLabel")

// Data Source UI publishing description
Zendesk.Publish = [
    Beta = true,
    Category = "Other",
    ButtonText = { Extension.LoadString("ButtonTitle"), Extension.LoadString("ButtonHelp") },
    LearnMoreUrl = "",
    SourceImage = Zendesk.Icons,
    SourceTypeImage = Zendesk.Icons

Zendesk.Icons = [
    Icon16 = { Extension.Contents("Zendesk16.png"), Extension.Contents("Zendesk20.png"), Extension.Contents("Zendesk24.png"), Extension.Contents("Zendesk32.png") },
    Icon32 = { Extension.Contents("Zendesk32.png"), Extension.Contents("Zendesk40.png"), Extension.Contents("Zendesk48.png"), Extension.Contents("Zendesk64.png") }

// Common Functions

Table.ToNavigationTable = (
    table as table,
    keyColumns as list,
    nameColumn as text,
    dataColumn as text,
    itemKindColumn as text,
    itemNameColumn as text,
    isLeafColumn as text
) as table =>
        tableType = Value.Type(table),
        newTableType = Type.AddTableKey(tableType, keyColumns, true) meta 
            NavigationTable.NameColumn = nameColumn, 
            NavigationTable.DataColumn = dataColumn,
            NavigationTable.ItemKindColumn = itemKindColumn, 
            Preview.DelayColumn = itemNameColumn, 
            NavigationTable.IsLeafColumn = isLeafColumn
        navigationTable = Value.ReplaceType(table, newTableType)


Code Pros:

  • Suprizingly quick, much faster then the default connector
  • secure
  • dynamic, easy to add other tables.
  • only bring back what you need, can start filtering the data when you expand the records for each table.

Code Limitations:

  • pulls only unarchived tickets. Limitation due to the API used.
  • requires a gateway to auto refresh
  • only show a single column of records for each table in the nagivation panel, you will need to adapt the code if you want it show the data.









New Member

Thank you! This saved me so much time. The Authorization header gave me the error about requiring Anonymous Authentication so I removed it and it worked.


I had already used the Web Data Source to connect to "https://****" with my ZenDesk Admin Username and Password and I left the autogenerated query then copied it and replaced the query with your code but changed the first lines to the following.


    ttable = "tickets",
    Path = "/api/v2/" & ttable,
    EntitiesPerPage = 100,
    GetJson = (URLPath) =>
        let Options = [RelativePath = URLPath], 
            RawData = Web.Contents("https://****", Options), 
            Json    = Json.Document(RawData)
        in  Json,


Not applicable

My pleasure (that is my code from an old account). 

That looks like a potential good workaround. I might have to try it some time. Thank you for sharing.

Not applicable

I am curious how third party connectors work. If there is no OOB / certified connector to the third party. Then you end up needed a custom connector to connect to the third party. Which seems redundant if we are trying to avoid using custom connectors. 

Thus it makes sense to find a intermediary that has a OOB/certified connector.  That is where my knowladge falls off. This is were I would suggest a more permanent solution with a proper pipeline leveraging Analysis Services etc. 

New Member

Hello there! many thanks for posting this code as it looks very useful!


After building the .mez file and placing it into PowerBi under the bespoke connectors folder, when getting the different objects (Tickets, Organisations, etc), it is getting the below error: any idea why?


DataSource.Error: The downloaded data is HTML, which isn't the expected type. The URL may be wrong or you might not have provided the right credentials to the server.


This is how I'm extracting the data:


Source = Zendesk.Contents("ZendeskURL"),
Tickets1 = Source{[Name="Tickets"]}[Data]

I was having a typo in the username. After fixing the typo, the data loaded as expected

Community Support
Community Support

Hi @Anonymous ,


Thank you very much for sharing, I think it will inspire us to think.

Best Regards,

Not applicable

Hi @v-henryk-mstf, At lot of work has been added. Would be curous about your thoughts?


@Anonymous, I am not a power query guru when it comes to this code. 

Any way you could tell me where I need to put in my Zendesk url, username and token?

All the spots I believe I need to do this seem to be references from prior in the code. 

Thanks for any help you can provide. 

Not applicable

this question is old, but to address this. 

In the hard coded situation, 

AccessTokenHeader = "Basic " &Binary.ToText(Text.ToBinary(""), BinaryEncoding.Base64),


in the custom connector code:

When running the code, a pop up window will ask for username and API key.

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