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Power BI Gateway unable to configure

Hi everyone,


I've had plenty of problems in order to install Power BI Personal Gateway after unstalling PBI On-Premise Gateway... fortunately, after following some of the tips presented here I've managed to do it.


BUT, once installed I cannot open it in order to configure it, this is the screenshot of what I'm seeing (translated from spanish, it says: "Wait while we are checking some points") :

GWconfig error.png


Clicking "next" does nothing.


When I open the system administrator the "GWConfig.exe" process is running taking memory but not CPU... additionally, when I try to uninstall the gateway an alert pops up alerting that I could be deleting some existing connections, so I think it's installed but for some reason there's some fence at the beginning.


I could uninstall but it's so frustrating having to go through all the cleanning steps again... any advice?

Thanks a lot,
Kind regards.

Regular Visitor

Same scenario - had to uninstall Enterprise gateway because it apparently needs to be part of Active Directory (not well documented!!!). Now trying to install Personal gateway on the same machine, shows under Programs and Features but "Launch" does nothing. And the moderator suggestion is to clean up registry entries?!? Doesn't your uninstall program take care of that, and why would you think that's a solution (it's a guess)? Assuming that doesn't improve anything, how can I get the configuration applet to run if "Launch" doesn't work? Or has Power BI now become useless on this machine with 32GB of memory and a 250Mbit internet connection?!?

OK, I have spent 15 hours wriggling through every aspect of this I can think of, and still can’t make things work. Close, but no cigar, and I’m done. I stumbled across some nice little nuggets that I didn’t find anywhere else in Gawd knows how many Internet searches and trial-and-errors, and I figure the least I can do for posterity is document some of them so that some of you may not have to go through the same painful and fruitless contortions.


First, background: I am an independent consultant specializing in SQL Server, and I do most of my learning in a home office – clients pay for what I already know, not what I learn on their nickel. I have been exposed to Microsoft and their products since DOS was all there was and Excel ran on the Macintosh, not IBM PCs, MS was partnering with Sybase to roll out SQL Server 1.11 because Microsoft’s Enterprise database, Access, wasn’t quite getting it done, blah, blah, blah. I’m not a newbie, so when I say I have tried everything I know to try, it goes a bit beyond “use CCleaner”.


I am able to get the On-premises gateway installed and configured – it sees my SSAS instance and happily reports, “Online: You are good to go.” I have mapped [] to [AzureAD\Login], and it passes the test. If I go Get – Databases – SQL Server Analysis Services – Connect, the Data Source Name setup through the gateway is displayed. But depending on where I’ve been in the past couple days, the error will very, and the gateway will not connect. The Personal Gateway stopped being an option days ago, as it has the “Doesn’t Launch” issue mentioned (and not solved) in other threads.


Bother, as Eeyore says.


Here are some very, very, VERY condensed bullet points, hope they help”

  • “When you install the gateway, you’ll be logged in to your computer using your Windows account.” OK, I’m behind the 8-ball before I even start: does Windows account mean a local account or a domain controlled account? In my home office, I’m not running a domain, why should I have to? It’s not stated anywhere, yet if I read between the lines of the Gateway installation instructions, Personal or Enterprise, it becomes obvious that a domain has to be involved somewhere.
  • If you go the Office 365 route as I have, you have a domain – – which would seem to qualify. The login for this domain is used for both Office and Power BI, so one would think it would be adequate for the Gateway, but that isn’t explicitly stated anywhere (are the little hairs on the back of your neck standing up?).
  • So I now have two logins to deal with – [] and [AzureAD\Login] – and I REALLY don’t want to spend any more time than I have to becoming a domain administrator (Office was bad enough) just so I can demo some data concepts for current and potential BI clients. And let’s not forget my real credentials, [MACHINE\Login], which has full admin rights on my PCs.
  • I have SQL Server running under the [MACHINE\Login] account, both database and Analysis Services. It’s firewalled to death, and it works, has for years.
  • One course of action would imply that I could “join” this machine to the AzureAD domain, but that option wasn’t available for me – no matter how many searches I came across suggesting this, the steps and any accompanying instructions, screenshots or visuals just didn’t match, the options weren’t the same, the portal is changing, etc. That goes for Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Home (I didn’t waste any time even thinking about going this route with my Win 7 stalwart). So, …
  • Challenge #1: get the new domain login machine rights (you’ll see why in a minute). You can’t do it through any graphical interface, but go to a command prompt and use {net localgroup administrators AzureAD\Login /add}. At this point, I would be able to login to the Windows 10 Pro machine using the Azure domain login. But start SSMS, try to connect to the database and the login will fail, so don’t yet.
  • Challenge #2: to get SQL Server to recognize [AzureAD\Login], again, you can’t go through the graphic interface of SSMS. But {CREATE LOGIN [AzureAD\Login] FROM WINDOWS} puts that login in Security, after which you can assign rights as you deem fit (I made it sysadmin).
  • Challenge #3: at this point, I can either reboot entirely or just “switch” to the AzureAD login, which wold make mem think I’m in the AzureAD. I can start SSMS and connect to the database; I can even connect to SSAS. But there are no SSAS databases displayed. They haven’t disappeared (whew!), they just aren’t showing. Again, if I try to do anything through the SSAS graphic interface, not luck, it doesn’t recognize the AzureAD domain. However, there is an XML file in the {SSAS\OLAP\Data\} root directory – [Administrators.1.role] – which has login information. You need the [AzureAD\Login] for a <Name> element, and the accompanying security token {S-1-23-34567…} for the <Sid> element. This is just a text file, so it’s a straightforward edit. (I forgot exactly where in this process I got the SID - I was tired at this point - but it was either browsing the Registry or right-clicking folder properties and looking at the Security tab). Restart SSAS, and you should see the missing folders.
  • Where I came to a dead-end was the login for the SSAS service itself; at this point, it’s still [MACHINE\Login]. If I try to connect to SSAS through the Power BI Gateway at this point, the error message boils down to, “The following system error occurred: A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.” If I stop SSAS, the Gateway error changes to “No connection could be made because the target actively refused it.” Makes sense, I include the error message in case anybody ever sees it in any context – it probably just means SSAS stopped. So now I change the SSAS service login to [AzureAD\Login], and try to restart, but: “Windows could not start the SQL Server Analysis Services service on Local Computer. Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start.” Switch login back to [MACINE\Login] and everything starts back up. Look at the Dependencies tab after restarting the service and I don’t see any dependencies listed. So the error is not very helpful (not as unhelpful as some of the old message boxes PC Magazine used to stick at the back of their issues for humor, but right in there with “Press (the) Any key”)


The way that last thing read along with an entry in the System log, “This computer is configured as a member of a workgroup, not as a member of a domain. The Netlogon service does not need to run in this configuration.”, and my little voice says that jumping the gap between local and domain and the whole EffectiveUserName – UPN thing and all the mentions of “Active Directory” in online instructions boil it down to, “you have to be part of a domain to make the gateway work, and AzureAD doesn’t cut it”.


If that’s the case, it’s a shame MS can’t say it that simply. If AzureAD will work and somebody can document EVERYTHING that would be needed to set it up (remember, I’m just a lowly SQL guy, not a network admin), that would probably be great for more than just me – a lot of people seem to have been wrestling with this over the past year, and who knows how many never told their tale online and just gave up.


Bill Knight

Data Wrangler

I actually have the same problem 


- I had an old version of the gateway I had to uninstall because PBI Desktop wouldn't launch anymore

- I had to uninstall Microsoft Data Management Gateway as explained in the following link :

=> Now I can launch PBI Desktop



- I have downlowded the last version of the PBI Personnal getway from the main page of the online app

- At the end of the (sucessfull) installation process, I click on "Launch" but nothing happens

- When I launch PBI Personnal  Gateway manually, I find this message : wait while we are checking additionnal data / sequence contains no elements. Clicking on "following" won't do anything


Can you please help ?




Hi @juanca,

Firstly, make sure that your machine meets the requirements when installing personal gateway.

Secondly, after installing personal gateway successfully, does the installation wizard prompt you to launch gateway configuration wizard?

Lydia Zhang

Community Support Team _ Lydia Zhang
If this post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution to help the other members find it more quickly.

Hi @v-yuezhe-msft,


Yes, the requierements are met, in fact I have had an on-premise version up and running properly (I want to convert it to personal gateway because this one is able to support connections to PostgreSQL Database).

Yes, the installation wizard prompt me to launch configuration but it never appears.

Thanks a lot,

Kind regards.

Hi @juanca,

I would recommend you use CCleaner to uninstall gateways and clean up registry of gateways, then install personal gateway using a admin account and check if the configuration wizard appears.

Lydia Zhang

Community Support Team _ Lydia Zhang
If this post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution to help the other members find it more quickly.

Hi @v-yuezhe-msft,


Thanks for your reply, I've followed your recommendation without success.


I've opened "PersonalGateway.log" that is located in: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Power BI Gateway - Personal. And this is the error that shows:


GWConfig.exe Error: 0 : Error from PersonalGatewayConfigurator, exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 
   en Microsoft.DataTransfer.AgentSdk.GatewayProvider.RunDiaCmd(String parameters)
   en Microsoft.DataTransfer.PowerBIGatewayAgent.ConfiguratorWorkflowSteps.StartService()
   en Microsoft.DataProxy.PowerBIPersonalGatewayConfigurator.MainViewModel.<GetIsConfiguredAsync>b__7()
   en System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
   en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
--- Fin del seguimiento de la pila de la ubicación anterior donde se produjo la excepción ---
   en System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   en System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   en Microsoft.DataProxy.PowerBIPersonalGatewayConfigurator.MainViewModel.<GetIsConfiguredAsync>d__8.MoveNext()
--- Fin del seguimiento de la pila de la ubicación anterior donde se produjo la excepción ---
   en System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   en System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   en Microsoft.DataProxy.PowerBIPersonalGatewayConfigurator.NotifyTaskCompletion`1.<WatchTaskAsync>d__0.MoveNext().

Could it be useful to fix what's happening?


Thanks again,

Kind regards.

Hi @juanca,

Do you download the latest verison of Power BI gateway from this link? And is there any possibility that you install on-premises gateway and use it?

Lydia Zhang

Community Support Team _ Lydia Zhang
If this post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution to help the other members find it more quickly.

Hi @v-yuezhe-msft,


I downloaded the installer from the link that is availabe in the app main screen, I think it should be the same.


After a lot of effort I was able to configure my systems through an on-premise data gateway, so I won't try to install the personal gateway by now.


Thanks a lot,

Kind regards.

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