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Combine 3 column names in same list to Use Same Conditional Color Parameters

I have 3 columns within a table that provide conditional color status with words "Complete", "In-Work", "Not Started".


STEP1: I've added a measure as follows (which only applies to 1 of the 3 columns):

Status Type Number = 
VAR StatusType = SELECTEDVALUE('Table1'[FilesSent/Received])

StatusType = "Complete", 1,
StatusType = "In-Progress", 2,
StatusType = "Not Started", 3


STEP2: I've added a column with this function (that also only refers to 1 of 3 columns):

ColorStatus = IF( 'Table1'[FilesSent/Received]="Complete", "#85ff33",IF( 'Table1'[FilesSent/Received]="In-Progress", "Yellow", "Red"))


Once I've added the measure and the column w/ the function, all I have to do is: STEP3: go to the field values area, choose Conditional Format, FORMAT BY: FieldValue, BASED ON FIELD: "ColorStatus" and the column referenced in STEP1 turns to the appropriate colors.

Very new to PBI and syntax, I can't figure out how to combine all 3 columns into the Measure area of STEP1 (and STEP2) so all 3 columns can utilize the definitions to colorize. Tried using "AND" in between each field refc and also tried "OR" - neither of which work...also tried the below, also not an option either...
Surely I don't have to perform STEPS 1 & 2 over and over for each of the 3 columns?


Status Type Number = 
VAR StatusType = SELECTEDVALUE('Table1'[FilesSent/Received]) AND = SELECTEDVALUE(Table1[Reconciliation Built]) AND = SELECTEDVALUE(Table1[Automated Interface Complete (Due)])

StatusType = "Complete", 1,
StatusType = "In-Progress", 2,
StatusType = "Not Started", 3
Not applicable



Created a column for each of the 3 status columns with an associated numerical value to verify desired outcome while the conversion from text to numeric to color occurred.




Files Type Number =

VAR STN = MAX(Table1[Step 1:FilesSent/Received])

var status_number = SWITCH(STN,"Complete",1,"In-Progress",2,"Not Started",3)

RETURN status_number



Interface Number =

VAR INTERFACE_VALUE = MAX(Table1[Step 3:Automated HMC Interface Complete (Due)])

var interface_number = SWITCH(INTERFACE_VALUE,"Complete",1,"In-Progress",2,"Not Started",3)

RETURN interface_number



Reconciliation Number =

VAR RECONCILIATION_VALUE = MAX(Table1[Step 2:Reconciliation Built])

var reconciliation_number = SWITCH(RECONCILIATION_VALUE,"Complete",1,"In-Progress",2,"Not Started",3)

RETURN reconciliation_number



Then created 3 more measures creating 3 more columns for cross-verification:




STATUSColors = IF( [Files Type Number] = 1, "#85ff33",IF( [Files Type Number] = 2, "Yellow", "Red"))



INTERFACE COLORS = IF( [Interface Number] = 1, "#85ff33",IF( [Interface Number] = 2, "Yellow", "Red"))



RECONCILIATION COLORS = IF( [Reconciliation Number] = 1, "#85ff33",IF( [Reconciliation Number] = 2, "Yellow", "Red"))



Then, the 3 main fields holding text status info, I selected each field in the VALUES area and set the drop-down CONDITIONAL FORMAT settings as follows:

Conditional Formatting> Background Color > Format by FIELD VALUE, BASED ON FIELD "STATUSColors" or "INTERFACE COLORS" or "RECONCILIATION COLORS"

(this applies the rules to the text columns) (these rules were set up in your measures steps previously)


A special thanks to @kentyler for help to resolve this challenge.  Hoping it helps others new to PBI with breaking out the rudimentary parts to make colorization with TEXT work. Numbers is a breeze, text a bit more of a challenge.

View solution in original post

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Here's the associated pic showing the breakdown explained above..

View solution in original post

Solution Sage
Solution Sage

We need to switch to a screen share. I've scheduled a zoom meeting for 3:30. Can you do that. I'll probably need your email address to invite you.

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sounds good - I Private Messaged you --

we can update this post once a resolution is found

Not applicable



Created a column for each of the 3 status columns with an associated numerical value to verify desired outcome while the conversion from text to numeric to color occurred.




Files Type Number =

VAR STN = MAX(Table1[Step 1:FilesSent/Received])

var status_number = SWITCH(STN,"Complete",1,"In-Progress",2,"Not Started",3)

RETURN status_number



Interface Number =

VAR INTERFACE_VALUE = MAX(Table1[Step 3:Automated HMC Interface Complete (Due)])

var interface_number = SWITCH(INTERFACE_VALUE,"Complete",1,"In-Progress",2,"Not Started",3)

RETURN interface_number



Reconciliation Number =

VAR RECONCILIATION_VALUE = MAX(Table1[Step 2:Reconciliation Built])

var reconciliation_number = SWITCH(RECONCILIATION_VALUE,"Complete",1,"In-Progress",2,"Not Started",3)

RETURN reconciliation_number



Then created 3 more measures creating 3 more columns for cross-verification:




STATUSColors = IF( [Files Type Number] = 1, "#85ff33",IF( [Files Type Number] = 2, "Yellow", "Red"))



INTERFACE COLORS = IF( [Interface Number] = 1, "#85ff33",IF( [Interface Number] = 2, "Yellow", "Red"))



RECONCILIATION COLORS = IF( [Reconciliation Number] = 1, "#85ff33",IF( [Reconciliation Number] = 2, "Yellow", "Red"))



Then, the 3 main fields holding text status info, I selected each field in the VALUES area and set the drop-down CONDITIONAL FORMAT settings as follows:

Conditional Formatting> Background Color > Format by FIELD VALUE, BASED ON FIELD "STATUSColors" or "INTERFACE COLORS" or "RECONCILIATION COLORS"

(this applies the rules to the text columns) (these rules were set up in your measures steps previously)


A special thanks to @kentyler for help to resolve this challenge.  Hoping it helps others new to PBI with breaking out the rudimentary parts to make colorization with TEXT work. Numbers is a breeze, text a bit more of a challenge.

Not applicable


Here's the associated pic showing the breakdown explained above..

Solution Sage
Solution Sage

Try using & to concatenate fields.   'table'[field] & 'table'[other field]

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no, @kentyler could not get it to work.. =-(  If the below is not what you meant, please copy/paste/edit to be exactly to what you meant for me to change) - also got the attached error (image)

Status Type Number = 
VAR StatusType = SELECTEDVALUE('Table1'[FilesSent/Received] & 'Table1'[Reconciliation Built] & 'Table1'[Automated Interface Complete (Due)])

StatusType = "Complete", 1,
StatusType = "In-Progress", 2,
StatusType = "Not Started", 3


here is the dope on SELECTEDVALUE

The function SELECTEDVALUE returns the value of the column reference passed as first argument if it is the only value available in the filter context, otherwise it returns blank or the default value passed as second argument. Here are a few examples of possible syntax.

SELECTEDVALUE ( Table[column] )
SELECTEDVALUE ( Table[column], "default value" )
SELECTEDVALUE ( Table[column], 0 )


so you probably need something like 

var Files = SELECTEDVALUE('Table1'[FilesSent/Received])
var ReconBuilt = SELECTEDVALUE( 'Table1'[Reconciliation Built])
var InterfaceComplete = SELECTEDVALUE('Table1'[Automated Interface Complete (Due)])
var statustype = Files & REconBuilt & InterfaceComplete


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Wow! that's kool @kentyler I like the way you laid that out... but it's not working just yet because the "ColorStatus" chunk is also still looking at only one table... and since it's not using the x I'm at a loss on how to change it to also ALLOW use of 3 diff tables for those specified colors??


Here's exactly how I updated my first chunk: (no errors so it appears to like it!)

Status Type Number = 
VAR Files =SELECTEDVALUE(Table1[FilesSent/Received])
VAR ReconBuilt = SELECTEDVALUE(Table1[Reconciliation Built])
VAR InterfaceComplete = SELECTEDVALUE(Table1[Automated Interface Complete (Due)])
VAR StatusType = Files & ReconBuilt & InterfaceComplete

StatusType = "Complete", 1,
StatusType = "In-Progress", 2,
StatusType = "Not Started", 3


Here's the 2nd chunk that I'm guessing it keeping the table from fully colorzing all 3 columns properly (bc it only references 1 col): How do I fix this chunk?

ColorStatus = IF( 'Table1'[FilesSent/Received]="Complete", "#85ff33",IF( 'Table1'[FilesSent/Received]="In-Progress", "Yellow", "Red"))


You should be able to reference the measure "status type number" and say

IF( [status type number] = 1, "#85ff33",IF( [status type number] = 1, "Yellow", "Red"))

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Like this? @kentyler  Something's wrong:  It has now made all 3 columns fully red for some reason?

ColorStatus = IF( [Status Type Number] = 1, "#85ff33",IF( [Status Type Number] = 2, "Yellow", "Red"))
Do I need to add this ColorStatus script to the other? bc currently (and from the beginning) it has been freestanding.
My orig STEP1 was to create a New Measure and place the VARS stuff there.
Then STEP2 was to create a New Column and place these ColorStatus parameters here..
Should I be placing this back over in the Measure window or does it need to stay separate?
Or is there a perhaps faster/better way to globally select the whole table and say: "Any columns in this table that have data = to "Complete" turn green, "In Progress" turn yellow, "Not Started" turn red.

They should both be measures.

The second measure gets the result of the first measure and returns a number 1,2, or 3

Try just adding the second measure to a report and see if it returns the correct number.


Then the question is, how are you turning the number into an actual color ?

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ok @kentyler  I've Created a 2nd Measure and moved the stuff that was in "ColorStatus" to the new Measure called: "StatusColors"


StatusColors = IF( [Status Type Number] = 1, "#85ff33",IF( [Status Type Number] = 2, "Yellow", "Red"))


The 1st pre-existing Measure still looks like this:

Status Type Number = 
VAR Files =SELECTEDVALUE(Table1[FilesSent/Received])
VAR ReconBuilt = SELECTEDVALUE(Table1[Reconciliation Built])
VAR InterfaceComplete = SELECTEDVALUE(Table1[Automated HMC Interface Complete (Due)])
VAR StatusType = Files & ReconBuilt & InterfaceComplete

StatusType = "Complete", 1,
StatusType = "In-Progress", 2,
StatusType = "Not Started", 3

and here's what the table looks like (ALL COLORIZATION is now gone); the last "StatusColors" column all says "Red" for some reason?


Last, I returned to Values area of each of the 3 fields, clicked the Conditional Formatting>Background Color>FORMAT BY: Field value > BASED ON: "StatusColors" and now all 3 columns are all RED again... =-/



If you put the status type number measure in the report, what numbers does it return ?

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@kentylerI'm not sure what you mean - (only been using this a wk so very much a newbie) can you note the steps I would take.. to "put the status # in the report" or screen shot if that's easier to explain? 

drag the measure "

Status Type Number 

onto your report

it should return a column of numbers

we're try to check and see if its returning the right numbers

if so

then our problem is in how we translate numbers to colors

if not, then we have a problem in how it selects numbers


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@kentylerhere's what it shows... hopefully the result (no numbers) points to the issue? 



Temporarily change the measure to return the status type to see if selectedvalue is getting a type

Status Type Number = 
VAR StatusType = SELECTEDVALUE('Table1'[FilesSent/Received])
RETURN StatusType

StatusType = "Complete", 1,
StatusType = "In-Progress", 2,
StatusType = "Not Started", 3


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reduce the measure to 

Status Type Number = 

and see what you get

the code has been assuming you are getting a text string 

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sorry, you'll have to wrap the column reference in VALUES()

Status Type Number = 

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@kentylerok, made it look identical to your 2nd post (to include the revision) but image still won't come back -- however, that error is not popping up like it was..002-no-errors-no-nothing.GIF

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