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"Telemetry Initialization Error" - Cant Open Power BI

When Loading the latest 64-bit version of Power BI after downloading from the Windows Store, I am unable to open it.


I am greeted with "Telemetry Initialization Error" and "A device attached to the system is not functioning".


Then I get this: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".


Here are the details I copy to the clipboard.


Feedback Type:
Frown (Error)

Error Message:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Stack Trace:
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Telemetry.TelemetryContextProvider.get_HostData()
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Program.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<RunApplicationLegacy>b__0()
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.IExceptionHandlerExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass3_0.<HandleExceptionsWithNestedTasks>b__0()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Host.Document.ExceptionHandlerExtensions.HandleExceptions(IExceptionHandler exceptionHandler, Action action)

Stack Trace Message:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Invocation Stack Trace:
at Microsoft.Mashup.Host.Document.ExceptionExtensions.GetCurrentInvocationStackTrace()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Client.UI.Shared.StackTraceInfo..ctor(String exceptionStackTrace, String invocationStackTrace, String exceptionMessage)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Telemetry.PowerBIUserFeedbackServices.GetStackTraceInfo(Exception e)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Telemetry.PowerBIUserFeedbackServices.ReportException(IWindowHandle activeWindow, IUIHost uiHost, FeedbackPackageInfo feedbackPackageInfo, Exception e, Boolean useGDICapture)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Client.UI.Shared.UnexpectedExceptionHandler.<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<HandleException>b__0()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Client.UI.Shared.UnexpectedExceptionHandler.HandleException(Exception e)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.PowerBIUnexpectedExceptionHandler.HandleException(Exception e)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Host.Document.ExceptionHandlerExtensions.HandleExceptions(IExceptionHandler exceptionHandler, Action action)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Program.RunApplicationLegacy(String[] args)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Program.Main(String[] args)



If I try to click "Report Issue" I'm greeted with another error.  "Something went wrong".




Status: Delivered

Hi  @Jdaddy ,


I'm glad you found workaround and shared it, for those of you who have had similar experiences check out the comments below.


Best regards.
Community Support Team_Caitlyn


New Member

Update:  The issue was with the Microsoft Store download version. 


When I uninstalled it, and then reinstalled it using the link at it worked normally.

Community Support
Status changed to: Delivered

Hi  @Jdaddy ,


I'm glad you found workaround and shared it, for those of you who have had similar experiences check out the comments below.


Best regards.
Community Support Team_Caitlyn