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Copy as image with caption: bottom of visual cut off

For some visuals, the bottom of the visual is cut off when using the Copy as image with caption feature form Power BI service.


In the screenshot below, there are two pretty simple bar chart visuals. Both visuals are identical in every way. Same pizel dimensions, same data & measures for the axis & legend, same formatting options applied. I've reviewed every option/attribute for the two visuals in Power BI Desktop (March '23 edition) and cannot determine any difference of any kind (except for the position on the page). Below you see the two identical visuals, rendered in the Power BI service. Of course, it would be quite difficult to show that everything between the two is identical in the Desktop authoring environment; please take my word that I've checked every single thing.



However, when I click the Copy as image with caption icon on the left visual, the result is this below. Notice the y-axis labels are a different scale than what thsi visual itself displays, and, more importantly, the bottom of the visual is missing - the lower half of the 2nd column's data label is cut off and the x-axis categories and label (the years themselves and the label 'Year') are missing. When pasted into something (such as a Word doc, for example), the pasted image is identical to that displayed in the screenshot - e.g. the pasted image and caption is rendered with the errors exactly as shown in the 'popup'.



Clicking the same icon, Copy as image with caption, this time on the right visual, displays almost exactly as the visual is displayed in the report. The y-axis labels are the same as what is displayed on the report page itself, the data labels in the bottom of the columns are not cut off (this is the one difference between the visual; as rendered on the report page and how it is rendered when copied as image with caption - notice there is a data label for the lower portion in the first column, whereas in the first screenshot, showing the two side-by-side identical visuals, there is not), and the x-axis categories (the years) and the label ('Year') are displayed as expected - as they are on the visual on the report. 




I cannot determine ANY difference between the left and right 'versions' of the visuals, yet they yield very different results when utilizing the copy as image with caption feature.


Thoughts or suggestions? If there are any clarifying questions, please do let me know.

Status: Investigating

Hi @rfonash_vntg ,


Please check the screenshot of my test below, I wasn't able to reproduce your problem. Is there a problem with my reproduction steps, can you provide a sample pbix or a detailed reproduction step? (Please be careful not to include sensitive information)


My test browser :MS Edge







Best regards.
Community Support Team_ Caitlyn


Frequent Visitor

@Zz_0203_Oo  issue still persist, no Power BI solution I could find for it. Screen capturing is an option, but not the greatest.

@v-xiaoyan-msft please provide an update. Thank you!

Advocate II

Experiencing the same issue here. Not sure why some visuals have the problems and others do not 😞

Advocate I

I am having the same issue here as well. I develop visuals for high level reports that get sent to EVPs, and when my end users go to copy the visuals into the report, the right hand side is cut off.


This can be particularly problematic when slicing a bar chart by business unit, as sometimes only one bar is displayed and copied into the report. If this bar displays 74 for its data label, selecting "Copy -> Image" will cut off the trailing "4" and leave only the leading "7," resulting in what looks like highly inaccurate data.


If there's anyway fixing this bug could be prioritized, I'm sure many Power BI users would greatly appreciate it. Nobody likes having innaccurate data in their reports, especially high level reports.

New Member

Reporting the same issues as well as this group. Power BI is so close to being extremely intiuative when sharing these visiauls with other Microsoft platforms. It seems that X & Y titles, bottom chart titles get cuttoff almost everytime when copy image via Power BI option, or simply copy & paste. Its almost like the program has a default crop imbedded. 


Without parameters adjusted, seemless transition into an Outlook email or PowerPoint will be an issue without telling your senders the context. I hope Power BI fixes this asap.

Frequent Visitor



I have the same issue. Did anyone find a solution ?


Thanks a lot, 


Best regards

Frequent Visitor

Hi @v-xiaoyan-msft ,


I have the issue with clustered bar charts. The data labels in the right are truncated. But it only appears for some graphs when for example the bar is large or the y-axis labels are large too. 


Do you may know if the problem will be fixed and when ?


Thanks a lot, 


Best regards

Frequent Visitor

I am also having this issue.  It would be great to hear any sort of an update on this bug. 

Advocate I

Same issue, the bottom axis is cut off.

Regular Visitor

I am also having the same issue where the X Axis of my graph is cut off.

New Member

Hi, @rfonash_vntg

Did you find a solution to this please? I am currently having the same issue. 