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Create Month name column and sort in Matrix table

I'm running into problems sorting by month in a matrix table. I want the month names to be in the first column, but it doesn't seem possible to properly sort. Even when I add numbers, it puts 10 and 11 before 1. Can anyone help with this?Screenshot 2024-04-04 174031.png

Super User
Super User

hi @jakewatson ,


you need to columns for this in your table.

1. Monthname {Jan...Dec}
2. MonthSort{1...12} -- any order you'd like to sort it, ensure the number matches the month. In this case Jan = 1 etc.


then in your data view, follow the steps below:

1. select column to sort.

2. click on sort by column.

3. select column to sort by.




now if you put month/monthname in the matrix, it is sorted by the order: Jan =1 etc.


you can leverage the sample calendar below if required to test.


    ****This Calendar was created and provided by Avi Singh****
    ****This can be freely shared as long as this text comment is retained.**** by Avi Singh
    #" by Avi Singh" = 1,
    StartDate = #date(2019, 1, 1),
    EndDate = Date.EndOfYear(DateTime.Date(DateTime.FixedLocalNow())) /*was "#date(2017, 1, 1)" Updated on 201802027: hard Coded End of Year caused some formulas to break, switching to dynamic date*/,
    //Used for 'Offset' Column calculations, you may Hard code CurrentDate for testing e.g. #date(2017,9,1)
    CurrentDate = DateTime.Date(DateTime.FixedLocalNow()),
    // Specify the last month in your Fiscal Year, e.g. if June is the last month of your Fiscal Year, specify 6
    FiscalYearEndMonth = 9,
    #"==SET PARAMETERS ABOVE==" = 1,
    #"==Build Date Column==" = #"==SET PARAMETERS ABOVE==",
    ListDates = List.Dates(StartDate, Number.From(EndDate - StartDate)+1, #duration(1,0,0,0)),
    #"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(ListDates, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
    #"Renamed Columns as Date" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Converted to Table",{{"Column1", "Date"}}),
    // As far as Power BI is concerned, the 'Date' column is all that is needed 🙂 But we will continue and add a few Human-Friendly Columns
    #"Changed Type to Date" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Renamed Columns as Date",{{"Date", type date}}),
    #"==Add Calendar Columns==" = #"Changed Type to Date",
    #"Added Calendar MonthNum" = Table.AddColumn(#"==Add Calendar Columns==", "MonthNum", each Date.Month([Date]), Int64.Type),
    #"Added Month Name" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Calendar MonthNum", "Month", each Text.Start(Date.MonthName([Date]),3), type text),
    #"Added Month Name Long" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Month Name", "MonthLong", each Date.MonthName([Date]), type text),
    #"Added Calendar Quarter" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Month Name Long", "Quarter", each "Q" & Text.From(Date.QuarterOfYear([Date]))),
    #"Added Calendar Year" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Calendar Quarter", "Year", each Date.Year([Date]), Int64.Type),
    #"==Add Fiscal Calendar Columns==" = #"Added Calendar Year",
    #"Added FiscalMonthNum" = Table.AddColumn(#"==Add Fiscal Calendar Columns==", "FiscalMonthNum", each if [MonthNum] > FiscalYearEndMonth
then [MonthNum] - FiscalYearEndMonth
else [MonthNum] + (12 - FiscalYearEndMonth), type number),
    #"Added FiscalMonth Name" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added FiscalMonthNum", "FiscalMonth", each [Month]),
    #"Added FiscalMonth Name Long" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added FiscalMonth Name", "FiscalMonthLong", each [MonthLong]),
    #"Added FiscalQuarter" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added FiscalMonth Name Long", "FiscalQuarter", each "FQ" & Text.From(Number.RoundUp([FiscalMonthNum] / 3,0))),
    #"Added FiscalYear" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added FiscalQuarter", "FiscalYear", each "FY" & 
    if [MonthNum] > FiscalYearEndMonth
    then [Year] + 1
    else [Year]
  , 2

    #"==Add Calendar Date Offset Columns==" = #"Added FiscalYear",
    // Can be used to for example to show the past 3 months(CurMonthOffset = 0, -1, -2)
    #"Added CurMonthOffset" = Table.AddColumn(#"==Add Calendar Date Offset Columns==", "CurMonthOffset", each ( Date.Year([Date]) - Date.Year(CurrentDate) ) * 12
+ Date.Month([Date]) - Date.Month(CurrentDate), Int64.Type),
    // Can be used to for example to show the past 3 quarters (CurQuarterOffset = 0, -1, -2)
    #"Added CurQuarterOffset" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added CurMonthOffset", "CurQuarterOffset", each /*Year Difference*/
       ( Date.Year([Date]) - Date.Year(CurrentDate) )*4
       /*Quarter Difference*/
      + Number.RoundUp(Date.Month([Date]) / 3) 
      - Number.RoundUp(Date.Month(CurrentDate) / 3),
    // Can be used to for example to show the past 3 years (CurYearOffset = 0, -1, -2)
    #"Added CurYearOffset" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added CurQuarterOffset", "CurYearOffset", each Date.Year([Date]) - Date.Year(CurrentDate), Int64.Type),
    // Can be used to for example filter out all future dates
    #"Added FutureDate Flag" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added CurYearOffset", "FutureDate", each if [Date] > CurrentDate then "Future" else "Past" ),
    // FiscalYearOffset is the only Offset that is different.
    // FiscalQuarterOffset = is same as CurQuarterOffset
    // FiscalMonthOffset = is same as CurMonthOffset
    #"==Add FiscalYearOffset==" = #"Added FutureDate Flag",
    #"Filtered Rows to CurrentDate" = Table.SelectRows(#"==Add FiscalYearOffset==", each ([Date] = CurrentDate)),
    CurrentFiscalYear = #"Filtered Rows to CurrentDate"{0}[FiscalYear],
    #"Continue...Orig Table" = #"==Add FiscalYearOffset==",
    #"Added CurFiscalYearOffset" = Table.AddColumn(#"Continue...Orig Table", "CurFiscalYearOffset", each Number.From(Text.Range([FiscalYear],2,2)) - 
/*Extract the numerical portion, e.g. FY18 = 18*/),
    #"==Add General Columns==" = #"Added CurFiscalYearOffset",
    // Used as 'Sort by Column' for MonthYear columns
    #"Added MonthYearNum" = Table.AddColumn(#"==Add General Columns==", "MonthYearNum", each [Year]*100 + [MonthNum] /*e.g. Sep-2016 would become 201609*/, Int64.Type),
    #"Added MonthYear" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added MonthYearNum", "MonthYear", each [Month] & "-" & Text.End(Text.From([Year]),2)),
    #"Added MonthYearLong" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added MonthYear", "MonthYearLong", each [Month] & "-" & Text.From([Year])),
    #"Added WeekdayNum" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added MonthYearLong", "WeekdayNum", each Date.DayOfWeek([Date]), Int64.Type),
    #"Added Weekday Name" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added WeekdayNum", "Weekday", each Text.Start(Date.DayOfWeekName([Date]),3), type text),
    #"Added WeekdayWeekend" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Weekday Name", "WeekdayWeekend", each if [WeekdayNum] = 0 or [WeekdayNum] = 6
then "Weekend"
else "Weekday"),
    #"==Improve Ultimate Table" = #"Added WeekdayWeekend",
    #"----Add WeekSequenceNum----" = #"==Improve Ultimate Table",
    #"Filtered Rows Sundays Only (Start of Week)" = Table.SelectRows(#"----Add WeekSequenceNum----", each ([WeekdayNum] = 0)),
    #"Added Index WeekSequenceNum" = Table.AddIndexColumn(#"Filtered Rows Sundays Only (Start of Week)", "WeekSequenceNum", 2, 1),
    #"Merged Queries Ultimate Table to WeekSequenceNum" = Table.NestedJoin(#"==Improve Ultimate Table",{"Date"},#"Added Index WeekSequenceNum",{"Date"},"Added Index WeekNum",JoinKind.LeftOuter),
    #"Expanded Added Index WeekNum" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Merged Queries Ultimate Table to WeekSequenceNum", "Added Index WeekNum", {"WeekSequenceNum"}, {"WeekSequenceNum"}),
    // somehow it ends up being unsorted after Expand Column, should not matter for the end table, but makes it harder to debug and check everything is correct. Thus sorting it.
    #"ReSorted Rows by Date" = Table.Sort(#"Expanded Added Index WeekNum",{{"Date", Order.Ascending}}),
    #"Filled Down WeekSequenceNum" = Table.FillDown(#"ReSorted Rows by Date",{"WeekSequenceNum"}),
    #"Replaced Value WeekSequenceNum null with 1" = Table.ReplaceValue(#"Filled Down WeekSequenceNum",null,1,Replacer.ReplaceValue,{"WeekSequenceNum"}),
    #"Inserted Start of Week (WeekDate)" = Table.AddColumn(#"Replaced Value WeekSequenceNum null with 1", "WeekDate", each Date.StartOfWeek([Date]), type date),
    // Added 2019-Oct
    #"Inserted Week of Year" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted Start of Week (WeekDate)", "Week of Year", each Date.WeekOfYear([Date]), Int64.Type),
    #"----WeekSequenceNum Complete----" = #"Inserted Week of Year",
    Current_WeekSequenceNum = #"----WeekSequenceNum Complete----"{[Date = CurrentDate]}?[WeekSequenceNum],
    #"Added Custom CurWeekOffset" = Table.AddColumn(#"----WeekSequenceNum Complete----", "CurWeekOffset", each [WeekSequenceNum] - Current_WeekSequenceNum, Int64.Type),
    // Adding a DayofYear 1 to 365
    // And YTD, QTD, MTD Columns (can help with showing YTD Numbers across multiple years)
    #"==Updates 2019-Feb DayofYear and YTD QTD MTD Columns" = #"Added Custom CurWeekOffset",
    // This maybe useful in some DAX Calculations
    #"Inserted Day of Year" = Table.AddColumn(#"==Updates 2019-Feb DayofYear and YTD QTD MTD Columns", "Day of Year", each Date.DayOfYear([Date]), Int64.Type),
    #"Added Flag_YTD" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted Day of Year", "Flag_YTD", each if Date.DayOfYear([Date]) <= Date.DayOfYear(CurrentDate)
 then "YTD"
 else null),
    #"Added Flag_MTD" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Flag_YTD", "Flag_MTD", each if Date.Day([Date]) <= Date.Day(CurrentDate)
 then "MTD"
 else null),
    #"Added Flag_QTD" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Flag_MTD", "Flag_QTD", each //Compare Month Number in Quarter (1,2,3) for [Date] and CurrentDate
if Number.Mod(Date.Month([Date])-1, 3) + 1
<= Number.Mod(Date.Month(CurrentDate)-1, 3) + 1
then "QTD"
else null),
    #"==Update 2019-Mar CurrentDatOffset" = #"Added Flag_QTD",
    #"Added CurrentDayOffset" = Table.AddColumn(#"==Update 2019-Mar CurrentDatOffset", "CurrentDayOffset", each [Date] - CurrentDate),
    #"Changed Type1" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Added CurrentDayOffset",{{"CurrentDayOffset", Int64.Type}})
    #"Changed Type1"
Did I answer your question? Mark my post as a solution, this will help others!
If my response(s) assisted you in any way, don't forget to drop me a Kudos 🙂
Kind Regards,

View solution in original post

Community Support
Community Support

Hi @adudani ,thanks for the quick reply, you are absolutely right, let me share the problem I encountered in it.

Hi @jakewatson ,

As adudani said, he's got the right idea.

Sort one column by another column in Power BI - Power BI | Microsoft Learn

The Table data is shown below:



I don't have a numeric column for the month, initially I was going to create it using the following dax expression:


I'm getting a circular dependency when I do a sort by column.


For cases where the table may not have a numeric column corresponding to the month, you can refer to the following steps.

1.Use the following DAX expression to create a table

[Value] = 1,"Jan",
[Value] = 2,"Feb",
[Value] = 3,"Mar",
[Value] = 4,"Apr",
[Value] = 5,"May",
[Value] = 6,"Jun",
[Value] = 7,"Jul",
[Value] = 8,"Aug",
[Value] = 9,"Sept",
[Value] = 10,"Oct",
[Value] = 11,"Nov",
[Value] = 12,"Dec"

2.Creating table-to-table relationships


3.Final output




View solution in original post

Community Support
Community Support

Hi @adudani ,thanks for the quick reply, you are absolutely right, let me share the problem I encountered in it.

Hi @jakewatson ,

As adudani said, he's got the right idea.

Sort one column by another column in Power BI - Power BI | Microsoft Learn

The Table data is shown below:



I don't have a numeric column for the month, initially I was going to create it using the following dax expression:


I'm getting a circular dependency when I do a sort by column.


For cases where the table may not have a numeric column corresponding to the month, you can refer to the following steps.

1.Use the following DAX expression to create a table

[Value] = 1,"Jan",
[Value] = 2,"Feb",
[Value] = 3,"Mar",
[Value] = 4,"Apr",
[Value] = 5,"May",
[Value] = 6,"Jun",
[Value] = 7,"Jul",
[Value] = 8,"Aug",
[Value] = 9,"Sept",
[Value] = 10,"Oct",
[Value] = 11,"Nov",
[Value] = 12,"Dec"

2.Creating table-to-table relationships


3.Final output




Super User
Super User

hi @jakewatson ,


you need to columns for this in your table.

1. Monthname {Jan...Dec}
2. MonthSort{1...12} -- any order you'd like to sort it, ensure the number matches the month. In this case Jan = 1 etc.


then in your data view, follow the steps below:

1. select column to sort.

2. click on sort by column.

3. select column to sort by.




now if you put month/monthname in the matrix, it is sorted by the order: Jan =1 etc.


you can leverage the sample calendar below if required to test.


    ****This Calendar was created and provided by Avi Singh****
    ****This can be freely shared as long as this text comment is retained.**** by Avi Singh
    #" by Avi Singh" = 1,
    StartDate = #date(2019, 1, 1),
    EndDate = Date.EndOfYear(DateTime.Date(DateTime.FixedLocalNow())) /*was "#date(2017, 1, 1)" Updated on 201802027: hard Coded End of Year caused some formulas to break, switching to dynamic date*/,
    //Used for 'Offset' Column calculations, you may Hard code CurrentDate for testing e.g. #date(2017,9,1)
    CurrentDate = DateTime.Date(DateTime.FixedLocalNow()),
    // Specify the last month in your Fiscal Year, e.g. if June is the last month of your Fiscal Year, specify 6
    FiscalYearEndMonth = 9,
    #"==SET PARAMETERS ABOVE==" = 1,
    #"==Build Date Column==" = #"==SET PARAMETERS ABOVE==",
    ListDates = List.Dates(StartDate, Number.From(EndDate - StartDate)+1, #duration(1,0,0,0)),
    #"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(ListDates, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
    #"Renamed Columns as Date" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Converted to Table",{{"Column1", "Date"}}),
    // As far as Power BI is concerned, the 'Date' column is all that is needed 🙂 But we will continue and add a few Human-Friendly Columns
    #"Changed Type to Date" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Renamed Columns as Date",{{"Date", type date}}),
    #"==Add Calendar Columns==" = #"Changed Type to Date",
    #"Added Calendar MonthNum" = Table.AddColumn(#"==Add Calendar Columns==", "MonthNum", each Date.Month([Date]), Int64.Type),
    #"Added Month Name" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Calendar MonthNum", "Month", each Text.Start(Date.MonthName([Date]),3), type text),
    #"Added Month Name Long" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Month Name", "MonthLong", each Date.MonthName([Date]), type text),
    #"Added Calendar Quarter" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Month Name Long", "Quarter", each "Q" & Text.From(Date.QuarterOfYear([Date]))),
    #"Added Calendar Year" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Calendar Quarter", "Year", each Date.Year([Date]), Int64.Type),
    #"==Add Fiscal Calendar Columns==" = #"Added Calendar Year",
    #"Added FiscalMonthNum" = Table.AddColumn(#"==Add Fiscal Calendar Columns==", "FiscalMonthNum", each if [MonthNum] > FiscalYearEndMonth
then [MonthNum] - FiscalYearEndMonth
else [MonthNum] + (12 - FiscalYearEndMonth), type number),
    #"Added FiscalMonth Name" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added FiscalMonthNum", "FiscalMonth", each [Month]),
    #"Added FiscalMonth Name Long" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added FiscalMonth Name", "FiscalMonthLong", each [MonthLong]),
    #"Added FiscalQuarter" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added FiscalMonth Name Long", "FiscalQuarter", each "FQ" & Text.From(Number.RoundUp([FiscalMonthNum] / 3,0))),
    #"Added FiscalYear" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added FiscalQuarter", "FiscalYear", each "FY" & 
    if [MonthNum] > FiscalYearEndMonth
    then [Year] + 1
    else [Year]
  , 2

    #"==Add Calendar Date Offset Columns==" = #"Added FiscalYear",
    // Can be used to for example to show the past 3 months(CurMonthOffset = 0, -1, -2)
    #"Added CurMonthOffset" = Table.AddColumn(#"==Add Calendar Date Offset Columns==", "CurMonthOffset", each ( Date.Year([Date]) - Date.Year(CurrentDate) ) * 12
+ Date.Month([Date]) - Date.Month(CurrentDate), Int64.Type),
    // Can be used to for example to show the past 3 quarters (CurQuarterOffset = 0, -1, -2)
    #"Added CurQuarterOffset" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added CurMonthOffset", "CurQuarterOffset", each /*Year Difference*/
       ( Date.Year([Date]) - Date.Year(CurrentDate) )*4
       /*Quarter Difference*/
      + Number.RoundUp(Date.Month([Date]) / 3) 
      - Number.RoundUp(Date.Month(CurrentDate) / 3),
    // Can be used to for example to show the past 3 years (CurYearOffset = 0, -1, -2)
    #"Added CurYearOffset" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added CurQuarterOffset", "CurYearOffset", each Date.Year([Date]) - Date.Year(CurrentDate), Int64.Type),
    // Can be used to for example filter out all future dates
    #"Added FutureDate Flag" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added CurYearOffset", "FutureDate", each if [Date] > CurrentDate then "Future" else "Past" ),
    // FiscalYearOffset is the only Offset that is different.
    // FiscalQuarterOffset = is same as CurQuarterOffset
    // FiscalMonthOffset = is same as CurMonthOffset
    #"==Add FiscalYearOffset==" = #"Added FutureDate Flag",
    #"Filtered Rows to CurrentDate" = Table.SelectRows(#"==Add FiscalYearOffset==", each ([Date] = CurrentDate)),
    CurrentFiscalYear = #"Filtered Rows to CurrentDate"{0}[FiscalYear],
    #"Continue...Orig Table" = #"==Add FiscalYearOffset==",
    #"Added CurFiscalYearOffset" = Table.AddColumn(#"Continue...Orig Table", "CurFiscalYearOffset", each Number.From(Text.Range([FiscalYear],2,2)) - 
/*Extract the numerical portion, e.g. FY18 = 18*/),
    #"==Add General Columns==" = #"Added CurFiscalYearOffset",
    // Used as 'Sort by Column' for MonthYear columns
    #"Added MonthYearNum" = Table.AddColumn(#"==Add General Columns==", "MonthYearNum", each [Year]*100 + [MonthNum] /*e.g. Sep-2016 would become 201609*/, Int64.Type),
    #"Added MonthYear" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added MonthYearNum", "MonthYear", each [Month] & "-" & Text.End(Text.From([Year]),2)),
    #"Added MonthYearLong" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added MonthYear", "MonthYearLong", each [Month] & "-" & Text.From([Year])),
    #"Added WeekdayNum" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added MonthYearLong", "WeekdayNum", each Date.DayOfWeek([Date]), Int64.Type),
    #"Added Weekday Name" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added WeekdayNum", "Weekday", each Text.Start(Date.DayOfWeekName([Date]),3), type text),
    #"Added WeekdayWeekend" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Weekday Name", "WeekdayWeekend", each if [WeekdayNum] = 0 or [WeekdayNum] = 6
then "Weekend"
else "Weekday"),
    #"==Improve Ultimate Table" = #"Added WeekdayWeekend",
    #"----Add WeekSequenceNum----" = #"==Improve Ultimate Table",
    #"Filtered Rows Sundays Only (Start of Week)" = Table.SelectRows(#"----Add WeekSequenceNum----", each ([WeekdayNum] = 0)),
    #"Added Index WeekSequenceNum" = Table.AddIndexColumn(#"Filtered Rows Sundays Only (Start of Week)", "WeekSequenceNum", 2, 1),
    #"Merged Queries Ultimate Table to WeekSequenceNum" = Table.NestedJoin(#"==Improve Ultimate Table",{"Date"},#"Added Index WeekSequenceNum",{"Date"},"Added Index WeekNum",JoinKind.LeftOuter),
    #"Expanded Added Index WeekNum" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Merged Queries Ultimate Table to WeekSequenceNum", "Added Index WeekNum", {"WeekSequenceNum"}, {"WeekSequenceNum"}),
    // somehow it ends up being unsorted after Expand Column, should not matter for the end table, but makes it harder to debug and check everything is correct. Thus sorting it.
    #"ReSorted Rows by Date" = Table.Sort(#"Expanded Added Index WeekNum",{{"Date", Order.Ascending}}),
    #"Filled Down WeekSequenceNum" = Table.FillDown(#"ReSorted Rows by Date",{"WeekSequenceNum"}),
    #"Replaced Value WeekSequenceNum null with 1" = Table.ReplaceValue(#"Filled Down WeekSequenceNum",null,1,Replacer.ReplaceValue,{"WeekSequenceNum"}),
    #"Inserted Start of Week (WeekDate)" = Table.AddColumn(#"Replaced Value WeekSequenceNum null with 1", "WeekDate", each Date.StartOfWeek([Date]), type date),
    // Added 2019-Oct
    #"Inserted Week of Year" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted Start of Week (WeekDate)", "Week of Year", each Date.WeekOfYear([Date]), Int64.Type),
    #"----WeekSequenceNum Complete----" = #"Inserted Week of Year",
    Current_WeekSequenceNum = #"----WeekSequenceNum Complete----"{[Date = CurrentDate]}?[WeekSequenceNum],
    #"Added Custom CurWeekOffset" = Table.AddColumn(#"----WeekSequenceNum Complete----", "CurWeekOffset", each [WeekSequenceNum] - Current_WeekSequenceNum, Int64.Type),
    // Adding a DayofYear 1 to 365
    // And YTD, QTD, MTD Columns (can help with showing YTD Numbers across multiple years)
    #"==Updates 2019-Feb DayofYear and YTD QTD MTD Columns" = #"Added Custom CurWeekOffset",
    // This maybe useful in some DAX Calculations
    #"Inserted Day of Year" = Table.AddColumn(#"==Updates 2019-Feb DayofYear and YTD QTD MTD Columns", "Day of Year", each Date.DayOfYear([Date]), Int64.Type),
    #"Added Flag_YTD" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted Day of Year", "Flag_YTD", each if Date.DayOfYear([Date]) <= Date.DayOfYear(CurrentDate)
 then "YTD"
 else null),
    #"Added Flag_MTD" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Flag_YTD", "Flag_MTD", each if Date.Day([Date]) <= Date.Day(CurrentDate)
 then "MTD"
 else null),
    #"Added Flag_QTD" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Flag_MTD", "Flag_QTD", each //Compare Month Number in Quarter (1,2,3) for [Date] and CurrentDate
if Number.Mod(Date.Month([Date])-1, 3) + 1
<= Number.Mod(Date.Month(CurrentDate)-1, 3) + 1
then "QTD"
else null),
    #"==Update 2019-Mar CurrentDatOffset" = #"Added Flag_QTD",
    #"Added CurrentDayOffset" = Table.AddColumn(#"==Update 2019-Mar CurrentDatOffset", "CurrentDayOffset", each [Date] - CurrentDate),
    #"Changed Type1" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Added CurrentDayOffset",{{"CurrentDayOffset", Int64.Type}})
    #"Changed Type1"
Did I answer your question? Mark my post as a solution, this will help others!
If my response(s) assisted you in any way, don't forget to drop me a Kudos 🙂
Kind Regards,

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