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Date Slicer - Latest Date

When using a date slicer it would be great if it existed an option "earliest date" (or latest).


The issue is that when you have a table that is constantly adding new records, with a date column, the default status of the slicer gets outdated.


Example: the default status of the slicer, and where the bookmark was saved is on period 2019.05. When a new record 2019.06 is added to the table, the bookmark needs to be saved and bookmark updated, this every month.


I know there are DAX workarounds, I am using them, but an "latest date" option on the date filter would save us this extra work.

Status: New
Frequent Visitor

Hello, I need your help in creating a default slicer Option: 

Scenario: I want to create a slicer which always selected latest yearmonth as Default selection (for example when user open report on September2019 he has to see 2019-sep as selected) and he also able to select previous yearmonth data.

Query Mode: IMPORT

Data I have is for 2017,2018, 2019 and I also have date column and yearmonth column(yyyy-mmm). So, I want to create a slicer with default latest yearmonth as selected and also users can select other years data if they want to.

I also don't want my users to see selection like Text 'latestyearmonth' they just have to see 2019-sep, 2019-Aug so on....


Help me resolve this..!!!


Regular Visitor

Great idea @Oscar_Mtz_V , I have the same problem and need to manually update every month.


I'm also interested in the DAX workaround you've mentioned. Any chance you can give me some hints on this?




Kudo Commander
Regular Visitor

Thanks @Oscar_Mtz_V for this workaround, but it wouldn't work for the approach I have to my report.


The idea (unless I missing something) for this approach is to filter the page to the latest date. This would work if you need to prepare a snapshot report, however the report I have built gives the user the option to filter using the date slicer available in the marketplace.


This slicer retains the information bookmarked each day the user access the report, but still they need to select an additional period each day as the report shows data for the whole month split by day.


If you or anyone has another approach to this I would appreciate your help.




Kudo Commander

@toribiolm ,


The workaround can also be used for periods, in this case, you would need to calculate which is the period of interest, e.g. Last Month, this is explained in the last part of the post.

What I have also done in these cases is to add buttons where the user can either choose to see the last period available (a month in the picture below) or choose the wanted period.

When the latest period is selected, a bookmark that hides the slicer and activates a page filter for "latest period" is activated.

When the "Show all periods" is selected, the slicer is unhidden and the page filter is deactivated.




Not applicable

i also would like the latest date in a slicer to be defaulted to the latest date... but also let the user pick their own if they don't like that one - problem with using dynamic date in the selector it will interfere with what the user may pick later.. need a way to clear that out as well without too much work on creating buttons like above.

Regular Visitor

Have you considered adding a relative date filter to the page that uses previous number of days with the number including all dates in the data set? The max is 9999 days back, but this should handle most uses. As the data is refreshed, today's date becomes the end date to any date slicer. 

New Member



I need a help.


I have a excel data, in that one column have to 'filter with color' and  so on.


In power Bi, how can i visualize this data.


i tried to visualize but the values which i want is incorrect. 


Thanks in advance

Helper III

@Oscar_Mtz_V @venu92 @toribiolm 

What I've done is add 3 columns to my date table, a year column that shows the year or "This Year" if its the current year, a "This Month" column and a "Today" column.


My slicer defaults to this year>this month>today but users can always switch to another date if they wish.




Frequent Visitor

Slicer should filrer the value based on the dependent column 



Previous Month

FebPrevious Month
MarCurrent Month
AprFuture Month


In this case if we filter "Current Month" in backend, on front end it should show "Mar" in slicer and user can have option change as usual.