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Power M code to read Netatmo API data



I am writing this to share my code to retrieve Netatmo Weather station data. Below you will find the code for the different queries as seen below:


The code to get your token (pls note you will need to replace everything that has been pre-fixed with 'your_').







    token_url = "",    
    api_base_url = "",
    qry_str = "?myparameter",

   token  = Json.Document(Web.Contents(token_url,
     Headers = [#"Content-Type"="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
   tokenstring = "access_token="& Text.From( token[access_token])







Create an app on the API website of Netatmo to obtain your login credentials:


The code to get Measurements for your stations (it's currently looking back 5 days, see code 'date_begin'):







(devid as text) =>
   date_end = Duration.TotalSeconds( DateTime.LocalNow() -#datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)),
   date_begin = date_end - (60*60*24*5),

   requeststring = Token & "&device_id="&devid&"&scale=30min&type=co2&optimize=false&real_time=true&date_begin="&Text.From(Number.Round(date_begin))&"&date_end="&Text.From(Number.Round(date_end)),
   getstations = Json.Document(Web.Contents("",
     Headers = [#"Content-Type"="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
    body1 = getstations[body],
    #"Converted to Table" = Record.ToTable(body1),
    #"Extracted Values" = Table.TransformColumns(#"Converted to Table", {"Value", each Text.Combine(List.Transform(_, Text.From)), type text}),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Extracted Values",{{"Name", Int64.Type}}),
    #"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type", "DateTime", each #datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) + #duration(0, 0, 0, [Name]
    #"Sorted Rows" = Table.Sort(#"Added Custom",{{"DateTime", Order.Descending}}),
    #"Renamed Columns" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Sorted Rows",{{"Value", "CO2"}})
    #"Renamed Columns"







Code to get the measurements for your modules (also looking back 5 days, pls see date_begin):







(devid as text, modid as text) =>
   date_end = Duration.TotalSeconds( DateTime.LocalNow() -#datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)),
   date_begin = date_end - (60*60*24*5),

   requeststring = Token & "&module_id="&modid&"&device_id="&devid&"&scale=30min&type=co2&optimize=false&real_time=true&date_begin="&Text.From(Number.Round(date_begin))&"&date_end="&Text.From(Number.Round(date_end)),
   getstations = Json.Document(Web.Contents("",
     Headers = [#"Content-Type"="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
    body1 = getstations[body],
    #"Converted to Table" = Record.ToTable(body1),
    #"Extracted Values" = Table.TransformColumns(#"Converted to Table", {"Value", each Text.Combine(List.Transform(_, Text.From)), type text}),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Extracted Values",{{"Name", Int64.Type}}),
    #"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type", "DateTime", each #datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) + #duration(0, 0, 0, [Name]
    #"Sorted Rows" = Table.Sort(#"Added Custom",{{"DateTime", Order.Descending}}),
    #"Renamed Columns" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Sorted Rows",{{"Value", "CO2"}})
    #"Renamed Columns"







Code that brings it together (you will need to change the filter value, currently 'your_modulename'):







   getstations = Json.Document(Web.Contents("",
     Headers = [#"Content-Type"="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
    body1 = getstations[body],
    devices = body1[devices],
    #"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(devices, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
    #"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1", {"_id", "station_name", "date_setup", "last_setup", "type", "last_status_store", "module_name", "firmware", "last_upgrade", "wifi_status", "reachable", "co2_calibrating", "data_type", "place", "home_id", "home_name", "dashboard_data", "modules"}, {"_id", "station_name", "date_setup", "last_setup", "type", "last_status_store", "module_name", "firmware", "last_upgrade", "wifi_status", "reachable", "co2_calibrating", "data_type", "place", "home_id", "home_name", "dashboard_data", "modules"}),
    #"Removed Other Columns" = Table.SelectColumns(#"Expanded Column1",{"_id", "station_name"}),
    #"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Removed Other Columns", "CO2_Measurements", each fnGetMeasurements([_id])),
    #"Expanded CO2_Measurements" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Added Custom", "CO2_Measurements", {"CO2", "DateTime", "Name"}, {"CO2", "DateTime", "Name"}),
    FinalStations = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Expanded CO2_Measurements",{"_id"}),
    mods = #"Expanded Column1",
    #"Expanded modules" = Table.ExpandListColumn(mods, "modules"),
    #"Expanded modules1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Expanded modules", "modules", {"_id", "module_name"}, {"_id.1", "module_name.1"}),
    #"Removed Other Columns1" = Table.SelectColumns(#"Expanded modules1",{"_id", "_id.1", "module_name.1"}),
    #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Removed Other Columns1", each ([module_name.1] = "your_modulename")),
    #"Added Custom1" = Table.AddColumn(#"Filtered Rows", "CO2_Measurements", each fnGetMeasurementsModule([_id], [_id.1])),
    #"Renamed Columns1" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Added Custom1",{{"_id", "_modId"}}),
    #"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Renamed Columns1",{"_modId", "_id.1"}),
    #"Renamed Columns" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Removed Columns",{{"module_name.1", "station_name"}}),
    FinalModules = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Renamed Columns", "CO2_Measurements", {"CO2", "DateTime", "Name"}, {"CO2", "DateTime", "Name"}),
    FinalResult = Table.Combine({FinalModules,FinalStations})








Please send me a message if you are interested in the dashboard that contains DAX like moving averages and day to day comparisons of the CO2 values. 



Kind regards, Steve. 




Great article Steve.    This has been really helpful. 


Keen to now do my own charting and plotting for the weather.

Thanks for your article, @stevedep. I'd be very interested in having a look at the dashboard that contains DAX like moving averages and day to day comparisons of the CO2 values. 

Hello, I know this is an old thread.

Did anything changed on the Netatmo side?

I can't get the token to work, and I am not skilled enough to find out the rootcause, as I just copied/pasted the M Code and set my credentials on this code and as a result I get: 

DataSource.Error: Web.Contents failed to get contents from '' (400):


My datasource settings for this is



I just found this after digging on the netatmo dev site, might be the reason??? If yes I am not sure at all on how to move to the authorization code grant type

Client credentials grant type
Method: POST

!! This method will be deprecated in october 2022 !!
If you want to access data from another user's account, you MUST use the 
Authorization code grant type.



I am also having the same issue as @057Sophie , and chatGPT does not seem to be able to help either.

Does anyone know of a way to get data from Netatmo to Power BI automatically with the new authorization?