Container Unexpectedly exited. Exit code: 0x80131509 when trying to obtain data from CSV and XLSX



I'm gettin this error every time I try to obtain data from an CSV or XLSX (dunno about XLS) file. For some time I was uninstalling and reinstalling PowerBI because it would work later. But now, for some bizzar reason a fresh/updated reinstall is not working anymore and I get this error every single time, when trying to obtain data from these file extensions.


You can check the crash log here:



Community Support

Hi @AnaRaquelR,


Does the issue happen to all CSV or XLSX files or some specific file? 


Please enable Power BI desktop trace and repeat steps to reproduce the issue, upload trace files to your OneDrive and send the share link to me via private message. 


Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu 

New Member

Did you find any solutions for this?
I sent you the PM, but I didn't get an answer. I simply can't work without importing my data. =(

Community Support

Hi @AnaRaquelR,


Would you please share a sample CSV or XLSX so I can try to test it on my side? You can send it via private message as well. 


Also please ensure you are running the latest Power BI desktop version 2.64.5285.741. Please run the Power BI desktop as administrator then test it again. 


Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu 

New Member

Hi @v-qiuyu-msft,


Yes, I'm currently using Power BI Desktop version 2.64.5285.741 directly downloaded from Microsoft website.


I've also tried to run it as an Administrator, and it still gives me the same error. As I mentioned before, I've also tried to install and uninstall it many times, also re-downloading it.


The strange thing is this error happens with all file formats related to importing data. I tried everything and can't get it to work.


Any option or thing to try will be very much appreciated.


Thanks in advance!

Community Support

Hi @AnaRaquelR,


I would suggest you create a support ticket to let engineers look into the issue on your side. 


Support Ticket.gif


Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu 

Kudo Collector

I'm having the same issue with the power BI desktop version downloaden from Microsoft Store.

Please help me fix it!


Thanks in advance 🙂

Kudo Collector

I was able to solve the problem by deleting this folder:


C:\Users\username\Microsoft\Power BI Desktop Store App


This folder actually contains some data about recent data sources you used, quick acces toolbar, ...
even though you might expect this data to be deleted through "repair" or "reset" buttons under the apps & features menu in windows 10, in power BI desktop app; it was not. So uninstalling and installing the microsoft store version of power BI desktop didn't completely whipe everything.