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Text measure returns incorrect value under certain conditions when calculation group exists

I have attached a PBIX illustrating the issue.


The issue:

Under certain conditions, measures that return a text value will return incorrect results when a calculation group exists in the model (even if the calculation group is not applied).


Sample PBIX:

The problem measure is Stars UNICHAR 11088 (error).

The measure definition is:

Stars UNICHAR 11088 (error) = 
VAR SingleStar =
    UNICHAR ( 11088 ) -- Star character 11088 ""
VAR NumStars =
    [Selected Company]
VAR Result =
    REPT ( SingleStar, NumStars )

This measure is intended to return a text value containing Unicode character 11088 repeated [Selected Company] times, where

Selected Company =
SELECTEDVALUE ( Company[Company ID] )

The model includes a calculation group with a single calculation item with expression


This calculation group is not applied in the report, however.



  1. In a table visual including Company ID and [Star UNICHAR 1108 (error)] (plus some other measures) with no filters applied, the measure always returns a single star.


  2. When Company ID is filtered on a single value, the measure returns expected results.OwenAuger_1-1676260536266.png
  3. The issue can be resolved by including an additional character in the repeated string, as in [Stars UNICHAR 11088 & zero-width space (ok)].
  4. It can also be resolved by using completely different characters, such as "X", as in [Repeated X (ok)].


Conditions that appear produce this behaviour:

  1. At least one calculation group exists in the model (even if not applied in the report).
  2. The calculation group must contain a nontrivial calculation item with an expression other than just SELECTEDMEASURE(). In this example, the expression is SELECTEDMEASURE() & ""
  3. The measure being visualized returns a text value by repeating a single character multiple times.
    This can be done with the REPT function or CONCATENATEX/GENERATESERIES.
  4. More than one "row" of results is returned in the visual.
    If we filter Company ID = 2 or 3, the [Stars UNICHAR 11088 (error)] measure returns the correct result.
  5. Only certain Unicode characters produce this behaviour.
    In my testing, characters in the range 11044-11512 mostly cause the bug, with some exceptions (e.g. 11400 & 11480). Characters outside the range 11044-11512 seem fine, e.g. 9733.
  6. The issue only occurs in Power BI visuals or DAX queries.
    If we produce a similar PivotTable in Excel, the measure returns correct results, presumably since the dataset is being queried with MDX. This suggests that this is a DAX engine issue.
Status: Investigating

Hi @OwenAuger 

You can put your issue to Ideas Forum , if a feedback is high voted there by other customers, it will be promising that Microsoft Product Team will take it into consideration when designing the next version in the future.

Ideas (


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Ailsa Tao

Advocate IV

I had this same issue with UNICHAR() and calculation groups. Opened a support ticket and they couldn't figure it out. Had to use different Unichar characters as a workaround.

Community Support
Status changed to: Investigating

Hi @OwenAuger 

You can put your issue to Ideas Forum , if a feedback is high voted there by other customers, it will be promising that Microsoft Product Team will take it into consideration when designing the next version in the future.

Ideas (


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Ailsa Tao

Advocate IV

@v-yetao1-msft - this is a bug, not a feature request/idea. I opened a support ticket a few months ago for the same issue, but there was no resolution.