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Custom data labels disappear when using small multiples


Custom data labels disappear when moving an x-axis category down to "Small Multiples". Please fix!

Kind regards


Status: Needs Info

Hi  @SH2021 

Which visual did you use ? What is your Desktop version ? Can you explain your issue with more detail info ? Or you can provide your sample for refrence ?

How to provide sample data in the Power BI Forum - Microsoft Fabric Community


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Ailsa Tao

Community Support
Status changed to: Needs Info

Hi  @SH2021 

Which visual did you use ? What is your Desktop version ? Can you explain your issue with more detail info ? Or you can provide your sample for refrence ?

How to provide sample data in the Power BI Forum - Microsoft Fabric Community


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Ailsa Tao

New Member

I have same issue here: 

the label is shown at desktop while it is gone when published to serive.


We launched the report on Aug, it was good for all users . however we have the issue recently.

Advocate I

Thank you for getting into contact with me so quickly, @v-yetao1-msft.

Regarding your questions:
- I use Power BI Desktop Version: 2.121.903.0 64-bit (september 2023) (In German, as you will notice below)

- I need both custom labels and small multiples to work in stacked bar charts, where it does not appear to work for me. But I notice the same problem with a line chart.

- Minimal Example:
1) Create a custom table with headers "period", "legend" and "value".


2) Define the stacked bar chart with "period" on the x-axis.


3) Activate labels, select custom labels down below and insert the "value" column. This way we end up with the same value labels, but they are now processed as custom labels.


4) Now move "period" from the x-axis input field to the small multiples input field. The labels disappear (and the colors change...).


5) Yet, the settings for custom labels are still the same:


6) Cancelling custom labels retrieves the data labels:


7) You can also play around setting the labels of either A or B to custom. You will notice that the custom one disappears when using small multiples.

For your information: the reason why I need custom labels, is that I want to use stacked bar charts to create waterfall charts with stacked components with it, which the regular waterfall chart does not offer. Hence I want to "misuse" the stacked bar chart to recreate a waterfall effect by coloring the lower bar components of some bars white (it would be nice if these could be made transparent, see this idea: Microsoft Idea). For this plan to work, however, I need to customize the labels of the values that get subtracted to be negative, but have the bar in the positive space. The graph I am working on has one more dimension (mutiple bars per period). Small multiples offers the only way that I know to nicely separate the bars that belong to the same period from the ones belonging to the other periods. Hence the need to use small multiples. 

Kind regards


Frequent Visitor

Hi @v-yetao1-msft,


To add extra information to this, I posted a question in the forums which should give more detail too: Custom labels not showing on 100% stacked bar with... - Microsoft Fabric Community


I'm using Desktop version 2.122.746.0 64-bit (October 2023) and 100% stacked bar visual with small multiples.


Many thanks,


Regular Visitor



I am unbale to use detail data lable or custom label in Small multiple of bar chart, It is not showing the detail value when we are using small multiple.

Frequent Visitor


Same issue here. 

I'm using the latest version of Power BI (2.128.1177.0 64-bit (April 2024) and trying to use the 'Detail Label' on an Area Chart Visual where I've added 'Small Multiples to the X Axis,and this just won't work.

It works fine if I remove the Small Multiples from the X Axis and stops working (doesn't return any value or colour for the 'Detail Label') as soon as I add the Small Multiples back to the visual.